1. https://www.nodebeginner.org/index-zh-cn.html
  2. 七天学会NodeJS,阿里13年出品
  3. Event-Driven: EventEmitters->Events->Event Loop->Event Handlers
  4. Node.js是IO密集。CPU密集。IO:文件,网络,数据库。
  5. REST的Stateless: 不管谁向服务器请求(通过URL),都得到唯一的结果。e.g. /profile/zhangsan
  6. ● A URL identifies a resource

    ○ GET http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234/

● URLs should include nouns, not verbs.

○ POST http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234/articles


● Use HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to operate on the collections and elements● Use plural nouns only for consistency (no singular nouns)

● You shouldn’t need to go deeper than resource/identifier/resource

● Put the version number at the base of your URL


● Specify optional fields in a comma separated list

○ GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234?fields=title,subtitle,date

  1. 各大网站登陆功能都是login且是Post请求,不符合REST API标准

    看http method就知道干什么

    看http status code就知道结果如何

  2. Advantages of Token Based Authentication
    ● Stateless, Scalable and Decoupled
    Server's only job is to sign tokens on a successful login request and verify that incoming tokens are valid, no lookup
    ● Cross Domain and CORS
    Trivial to expose APIs to different services and domains, while cookies only work with singular domains and sub-domains.
    ● Store Data in the JWT
    Store any type of metadata, as long as it's valid JSON, while cookie can only store session id.
    ● Performance
    Decoding a token is faster than looking up a session, also storing permission level in token saves extra lookup ops.
    ● Mobile Ready
    A single API can serve both the browser and native mobile platforms like iOS and Android. Native mobile platforms
    and cookies do not mix well.

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