• Considering the concurrent connections and uncomplicated logic on the server, I take the advantages of Node.js to develop the service.
  • Because there will be no more than 10 uses, I deployed the service on AWS; and after the estimate of the peak PV, I rent 1server with 4 CPU and 1GB memory.
  • To make the webpage responsive to different sizes and devices and reduce the load the development, I compared different front structure, including Angular, Bootstrap, BACKBONE.JS, and etc. After the research, I chose Angular as the main structure and embed Bootstrap to make the website more user-friendly.
  • During the development, and new version Angular5 was posted. The new features were not needed for my webpage, but considering the possible new requirements in the future and acceptable upgrade cost, I updatedit to Angular 5.
  • To make the APP more powerful than webpage, I read the official API and found the Alarm API to run regular tasks. Based on Android’s Multithread Rule, the APP structure was re-designed and Alarm-Managerwas used to build the auto-refresh function.

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