2016(4-6月) 码农类 硕士 全职@Facebook - 内推 - Onsite |Passfresh grad应届毕业生
楼主Onsite以后,被要求加面了一轮behavior, 非常懵逼???帮忙内推的朋友和我说,这三轮重要程度都是一样的,写一些楼主之前没有准备到的问题,也在网上查了些资料,希望可以帮助大家。
1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
回答1:I see myself growing into a experienced software engineer. 太泛!
回答2:我有frontend, backend的经验,我希望以后成为一个full stack. 成功安利你懂得不少。
回答3: Become a superviser and use my skills to support others. 显得有team leader的好品质。
另外,根据你申请的公司,如果你知道他们内部升级的机制,可以说两句,比如 Google 的master new grad 一进去是Level3,你可以问问身边的朋友看看一般多久久能升一级。回答这个问题的时候,就可以带一句你对公司升级机制的了解,希望你2年之内升一级(举例子,我并不知道是不是2年可不可以升啊,不要被我误导)。
2. What are your weaknesses?
What are the areas where you need to improve your skills?
Are there areas where you need to develop your skills further?
这类问题叫做negative question。如果回答“I don't have any weakness" 只能说你真不懂面试官意图, 可如果回答 “My greatest weakness is I am working too hard”,这就是在搞事情了。作为一个New grad, 我的weakness就是缺少中作经验,但是答到这还没完。对于这样的negative question,当然要有转折。接下来就要说这不是个问题,我有internship experience, 做过很多projects, tech skills上和team work都有经验,不是个大问题,再来句自己是个fast learner。包括正在申请的同学,如果你想转专业,这个也是个很好的回答方式。如果不是new grad的前辈,可以看看下一题的回答。
3. What do you like least about your previous job/internship?
What do you dislike the most about your last job?
这个就非常尴尬了,是不是觉得这个问题很少问到。我想说的是,我onsite就被问到了这个问题,答的支支吾吾,简直要撕卷。首先,切记!切记!千万不能说之前雇主,同事的问题。即使心里有一万个抱怨,即使是在你看来微不足道的问题,只要是有一点点说 别人的不是,都不是个特别好的回答。没有面试官希望看到雇佣你以后,如果之后你再去面试其他公司,说现在公司和同事的不好。所以这题要怎么答呢。楼主看了个Youtube视频,颇受启发 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK_KUK1fDc8 以下简介概括。
换个角度,回答这个问题:What do you wish you had done differently at your previous company?
这个问题在未来可以非常容易改正. The problem can be easily changed in the future.
What you have learned from the previous experience.
作为了new grad/ intern,希望自己involve到很多的task,所以对这个prioritization做的不是很好。但是知道这是不对的,我现在也慢慢做了调。之前网上找到的,供参考。
I have had problems in the past with taking on too many projects and then not delivering quality and, in some cases, not delivering on time. I was simply stretched too thin in too many areas with not enough time to deliver in a quality manner. I think that's the opportunity that is there as a new college student, you want to do everything and be involved in everything. However(敲黑板), I've learned that I'm not at my best when I have too many conflicting priorities. I've had to cut back on some of the less important extracurricular activities to focus on delivering my academic projects with the highest quality. This prioritization of my work has carried over to my work life with my recent internship. I had several key deliverables that were due the same week, so I met with my boss to prioritize the delivery schedule. She helped me focus on both the timing and the quality of the delivery. In the end, all three projects were delivered with high quality results.
Reference: https://collegegrad.com/tough-in ... r-greatest-weakness 这个问题和之前weakness的问题很相似,根据自己的经历,准备好问题都可以变换的回答。
准备Behavior的问题,按照第一段链接里的16个问题,再准备下所谓的negative quesitons就稳了。网上一搜behavior的问题很多很多,但很多都是大同小异。楼主面了无数个面试了,根据自己的经验下面列一下必考题和高频题。
Tell me about yourself
Why ..Company?
What is your most Challenging project
Describe a situation where you exceeded expectations/did more than required
Have you ever had a conflict with the team? How was it resolved? (最好举例)