Facebook Interview Handbook
144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
198. House Robber
213. House Robber II
62. Unique Paths
63. Unique Paths II
39. Combination Sum
40. Combination Sum II
46. Permutations
47. Permutations II
112. Path Sum
113. Path Sum II
LinkedList with Peek & Pop
String Subsequences
Least Removal to Valid Palindromic Subsequence
Longest Crossing Road
Momotonous Array
Most Frequenct Character in a String
Pancake sorting
Power Mod
Print All Paths in a 2D Board
Reader Writer Problem
Run Length Encoding
Shifting Matrix
Shortest Knight Move
Swap Sort
Bipartite Graph
Can Reach MN
Construct BST from Preorder
Convert BT to a Circular Doubly Link List
Convert BST to Sorted Doubly-Linked List
Dot Product of Sparse Vectors
Friends 系列
Leftmost 1 of 01 Matrix
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence
Longest Path in Binary Tree
Intersections of Two Intervals
K Closet Points
Kth Elements in some Sorted Arrays
Mine Sweeper 扫雷
Random Return the Index of Maximum
Random return number according to weight
Random subset of size K
Prime Product
Subset Number of Min and Max < Target
Path of Binary Maze
Add String
548. Split Array with Equal Sum简化版
4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
12. Integer to Roman
29. Divide Two Integers
31. Next Permutation
34. Search for a Range
42. Trapping Rain Water
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
100. Same Tree
101. Symmetric Tree
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
138. Copy List with Random Pointer
141. Linked List Cycle
151. Reverse Words in a String
152. Maximum Product Subarray
189. Rotate Array
217. Contains Duplicate
230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
239. Sliding Window Maximum
295. Find Median from Data Stream
300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
303. Range Sum Query - Immutable
304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable
307. Range Sum Query - Mutable
308. Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable
340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe
349. Intersection of Two Arrays
350. Intersection of Two Arrays II
360. Sort Transformed Array
560. Subarray Sum Equals K
632. Smallest Range
727. Minimum Window Subsequence
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
4 . Median of Two Sorted Arrays
8. String to Integer
14. Longest Common Prefix
18. 4Sum
36. Valid Sudoku
55. Jump Game
108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
216. Combination Sum III
241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses
270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value
317. Shortest Distance from All Buildings
322. Coin Change
333. Largest BST Subtree
336. Palindrome Pairs
347. Top K Frequent Elements
443. String Compression
449. Serialize and Deserialize BST
454. 4Sum II
463. Island Perimeter
499. The Maze III
518. Coin Change 2
546. Remove Boxes
567. Permutation in String
640. Solve the Equation
652. Find Duplicate Subtrees
662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree
246. Strobogrammatic Number
247. Strobogrammatic Number II
1. Two Sum
167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted
10. Regular Expression Matching
13. Roman to Integer
15. 3Sum
K Sum
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
20. Valid Parentheses
23. Merge k Sorted Lists
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists
Merge k Sorted Arrays
25. 低Reverse Nodes in k-Group
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
28. Implement strStr()
33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
38. Count and Say
43. Multiply Strings
44. Wildcard Matching
49. Group Anagrams
50. Pow(x, n)
56. Merge Intervals
57. Insert Interval
67. Add Binary
68. 低Text Justification
69. Sqrt(x)
71. 低Simplify Path
75. Sort Colors
76. Minimum Window Substring
78. Subsets
79. Word Search
80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
85. 低Maximal Rectangle
88. Merge Sorted Array
90. Subsets II
91. Decode Ways
639. Decode Ways II
98. Validate Binary Search Tree
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown
714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
125. Valid Palindrome
127. Word Ladder
126. Word Ladder II
128. 待Longest Consecutive Sequence
133. Clone Graph
139. Word Break
140. Word Break II
146. LRU Cache
157. Read N Characters Given Read4
158. Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times
161. One Edit Distance
168. Excel Sheet Column Title
173. Binary Search Tree Iterator
200. Number of Islands
206. Reverse Linked List
Print Linked List Reversely
208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum
210. Course Schedule II
211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design
215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
218. 待The Skyline Problem
221. Maximal Square
234. Palindrome Linked List
235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
238. Product of Array Except Self
252. Meeting Rooms
253. Meeting Rooms II
257. Binary Tree Paths
261. Graph Valid Tree
265. 低Paint House II
269. 低Alien Dictionary
273. Integer to English Words
274. 低H-Index
275. 低H-Index II
277. Find the Celebrity
278. First Bad Version
282. Expression Add Operators
283. Move Zeroes
285. Inorder Successor in BST
286. Walls and Gates
297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
301. Remove Invalid Parentheses
311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication
314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal
325. Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k
334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
341. Flatten Nested List Iterator
377. Combination Sum IV
380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)
398. Random Pick Index
404. Sum of Left Leaves
410. Split Array Largest Sum
461. Hamming Distance
477. Total Hamming Distance
494. Target Sum
523. Continuous Subarray Sum
525. Contiguous Array
535. 低Encode and Decode TinyURL
543. Diameter of Binary Tree
554. Brick Wall
572. Subtree of Another Tree
621. Task Scheduler
636. Exclusive Time of Functions
639. Decode Ways II
642. 低Design Search Autocomplete System
647. Palindromic Substrings
653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
670. Maximum Swap
673. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence
674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence
680. Valid Palindrome II
689. Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays
721. Accounts Merge
745. Prefix and Suffix Search
750. Number Of Corner Rectangles
764. Largest Plus Sign
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