Given a list of employee information like this:

[(3333, 1000, 2000), (1234, 1500, 3000), (999, 1700, 2100)]

Each item represents an employee. Those 3 numbers are the employee id,

the employee's start timestamp, and the employee's end timestamp.

We want to output a list of tuples containing a time range and the number

of employees who are working at the company.


Explanation: From time 1000 to 1500, only employee #3333 is working at the company,

so the number of employees is 1. From time 1500 to 1700, employee #3333 and #1234

are working for the company,so the number of employees is 2. Etc.

Solution 1: O(n log n + n^2); O(n)
  public static List<int[]> countEmployee(List<int[]> list) {
    Set<Integer> points = new TreeSet<>();
    for (int[] record : list) {

    List<int[]> res = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int point : points) {

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.size() - 1; i++) {
      res.add(new int[]{0, temp.get(i), temp.get(i + 1)});

    for (int[] r : res) {
      for (int[] record : list) {
        if (record[1] <= r[1] && record[2] >= r[2]) {

    return res;

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