
Problem Solution
1 Two Sum (E) Map存num和index,判断target-num∈map
2 Add Two Numbers (M) dummy+cur, carry, while用\ \ 节省代码
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (M) 模板,while (map.get(c) > 1) 移l,abcdee->e
7 Reverse Integer (E) rev, while, tmp, if (temp / 10 != reverse) 溢出 return 0;
9. Palindrome Number (E) rev, while (rev < x), if (x < 0 \ \ (x != 0 && x % 10 == 0)) return false, return rev == x \ \ rev / 10 == x;
10 Regular Expression Matching (H)
14 Longest Common Prefix (E) // 1. start from the first one, compare prefix with next string, until end; // 2. 二分,每次猜LCP 的长度,空间复杂度可以优化为O(1)
20 Valid Parentheses (E) stack, 遇左push, 遇右pop比较, (((()))。FU 1.很多种: map存对应关系,if (map.containsKey(c)) push, else if(c != map.get(stack.pop()) return false;
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists (E) dummy+cur, while用\ \ 节省代码
25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group (H)
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array (M) 4123,mid在右
42 Trapping Rain Water (H)
46 Permutations (M)
54 Spiral Matrix (M) x, y, d, dirs, range={n, m - 1}, while (range[d % 2] != 0)
56. Merge Intervals (M) sort, pre=null, if (pre == null \ \ cur.start > pre.end) { res.add(cur); pre = cur; } else { pre.end = Math.max(pre.end, cur.end);}
57. Insert Interval (H) (sort) 先插入,再合并
62 Unique Paths (M) 坐标型,if (i == 0 \ \ j == 0) { dp[i][j] = 1; } else { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j] + dp[i][j - 1];}
63 Unique Paths II (M)
69. Sqrt(x) (E) x非负 二分range,[1,x] FU:x是double类型,while (l + 1e-(精度位数+2 ) < r)
70 Climbing Stairs (E) dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + dp[i - 2]
72 Edit Distance(H)
75. Sort Colors (M) AllCompanies 三指针,i, left, right
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II (M)
88 Merge Sorted Array (E) 同向双指针,从右往左放,存大的。while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) 记得while (j >= 0) // 因为是将nums2合并到nums1,所以要考虑m一开始=0的情况
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (M)
98 Validate Binary Search Tree (M) 分治最简洁;R: pre=null;L: stack中序
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (M)
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal (M)
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (M) 不需要dummy, cur, while, tmp, while。在当前层给下层connect,base: root层不需要connect。
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (M) cur, dummy, next, while, while
118 Pascal's Triangle (E)
120 Triangle (M)
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (E) 最多一次 maxProfit, minPrice, update them during traverse
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (E) 任意次 贪心,accumulate diff,max += Math.max(0, prices[i] - prices[i - 1]);
123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (H) 最多两次
127 Word Ladder (M)
133 Clone Graph (M) <old node's val or ref, new node's ref>, copy nodes, then copy edges(复制点与点的关系,必须用HashMap) 如果节点val有重复,map的key存node,而不是val。DFS: 递归有返回值
138 Copy List with Random Pointer (M) copyNext, copyRandom, splitList
139 Word Break (M) O(n^3) 序列型,list转成set,if (dp[j] && set.contains(s.substring(j, i))) { dp[i] = true; break; },注意j,dp[j]对应s.charAt(j-1)。FU:返回一个解: boolean改成int,dp[i]=j,store the index of left string's last char,然后用list倒序存单词,然后再倒存一遍。
140 Word Break II (H) 细看 DFS返回值+Map
146 LRU Cache (H) Map存<key, node>+DDL存key val,变种很多,有总结
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (M)
155 Min Stack (E) S1:一个stack,一个min变量。push时当x<=min,先把minpush,再更新min;pop时,if (stack.pop() == min) { min = stack.pop(); }。S2: SLL, node存val和min,node反向加,if(head == null) head = new Node(x, x); else head = new Node(x, Math.min(x, head.min), head);
162 Find Peak Element (M)
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator (M)
191 Number of 1 Bits (E) unsigned integer res += n & 1; n >>>= 1;
200 Number of Islands (M)
203 Remove Linked List Elements (E)
204 Count Primes (E) divide each i from 2 to sqrt(i), 2=<i<n
205 Isomorphic Strings (E)
206 Reverse Linked List (E) pre, cur, while, next, return pre
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (M)
214 Shortest Palindrome (H)
225 Implement Stack using Queues (E) 1 Queue O(n - 1) push O(1) others, push时,先add到队列末,然后将前n-1个节点poll出,add到队列末尾
226 Invert Binary Tree (E) 递归 tmp root.right root.left; BFS
232 Implement Queue using Stacks (E) 2 Stacks O(1), amortized time 因为stack只有一个出入口,所以要两个栈。push用input栈,pop和peek用output栈,pop里用peek函数。
234 Palindrome Linked List (E)
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (E)
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (M) 递归
239 Sliding Window Maximum (H)
242 Valid Anagram (E)
253 Meeting Rooms II (M)
283 Move Zeroes (E)
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses (H)
311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication (M)
322 Coin Change (M)
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator (M)
347 Top K Frequent Elements (M)
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) (M) Map<val, idx>+List+Random 插:新的val加到List最后,map存idx。删:拿val的idx和list最后一个数last,将last的索引更新为idx,将list中idx上的数设为last。最后删掉map中的val和list中的最后一个数。
387 First Unique Character in a String (E) 先扫一遍,Map计数;再扫第二遍,检查每个字符的次数
394 Decode String (M)
412 Fizz Buzz (E)
445 Add Two Numbers II (M)
451 Sort Characters By Frequency (M) Map + bucket sort O(n) List<Character>[] bucket = new ArrayList[n + 1]; Map + sort O(n log n)
460 LFU Cache (H)
463 Island Perimeter (E)
547 Friend Circles (M)
554 Brick Wall (M)
567 Permutation in String (M)
572 Subtree of Another Tree (E)
582 Kill Process (M)
659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences (M) IQ freq和need Map,num被用光,做结尾,当开头,false
692 Top K Frequent Words (M)
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets (M)
724 Find Pivot Index (E)
739 Daily Temperatures (M)
797 All Paths From Source to Target (M)
811 Subdomain Visit Count (E) 每一次insert后,SB都要转为String,所以直接用String就好
815. Bus Routes (H) Google 找图中两点之间的最短路径长度。间接存图:key存stop,value存bus列表,通过bus再得到stop。
821 Shortest Distance to a Character (E)
836 Rectangle Overlap (E)
852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array (E)
  1. Map表示HashMap
  2. List表示ArrayList

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