111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree

Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth.

The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node.


  1. 如果树只有一个根结点,minDepth = 1.
  2. 如果树只有一个根结点和一个子节点,比如[1,null,2],minDepth = 2.
Solution 1: Recursive, preorder O(n); O(h)
    public int minDepth(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
            return 0;
        int left = minDepth(root.left);
        int right = minDepth(root.right);
        return left == 0 || right == 0 ? left + right + 1 : Math.min(left, right) + 1;
Follow Up:


Solution: BFS O(n); O(w)
    public int minDepth(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
            return 0;
        int min = 1;
        Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int size = queue.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //level order模板
                TreeNode cur = queue.poll();
                if (cur.left == null && cur.right == null) {
                    return min;
                if (cur.left != null) {
                if (cur.right != null) {
        return min;

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